Our Mission is to inspire the courageous people to go outdoor and live more to the fullest towards their dream and create some memorable clips of their life so that when they look to their past in the days they follow, they won’t have to regret having a less living life.
We bilevel, going outside changes a person in a way he can connect nature better, understand the meaning of his life and surroundings of it. So, our aim is to make the connection strong, enjoyable and natural.
We are some people who love going outdoors for hiking, camping, fishing, and hunting. We dream and breath outdoor freshness since 2009. In 2015 We started to think about creating a blog that will help the people to enjoy fearless travel and trips to the wilderness.
I am Derek Franks, the editor of Safariors. I and my four friends started this blog. They are
Alex N. Ferroni
He loves to camp and hunt, especially bowhunting is in his heart and bone and dream. He loves watching a bird on the tallest trees of the forest and capture their images. He loves his bows and love hunting as well.
Another thing we admire about him is his quality to maintain the guidebook, what and what not to do on several occasions. He is the problem solver in the difficult situation in our tough hiking and deep fore traveling hours.
In the Safariors blog, he will provide information to the hunting article, buying guides and product reviews. He knows his job and he is perfect in it and honest to the highest level.
Joaquin Phoenix
Joaquin Phoenix is another friend who was my companion at the first stage of our trips to mountains and lake. He was the one who will drag his reels and bait even to the mountain in search of fresh fishes.
He loves fishing along with singing in the mid forest with his kind and yet funny voice. Another thing we love about him is his cooking, especially campfire cooking.
He has been trying different fishing items at the core level, he is kind of geeky to these. And therefore, most of the buying guide and product review articles are written by him on this website. Also, some of the informative article to the core level is also written by Joaquin.