You don’t want to be that hunter who always hits their first target only and scare the other prey around him. The bowstring and other moving parts sometimes create the noise.
To minimize the sound, their many inexpensive ways like using the best bow string silencers to reduce the sound vibration of the bowstrings.
They are easy to install, do not add any additional weight, or change how the bow works. There are different types of bowstring silencers available to buy.
Table could not be displayed.Reviews of the Best Bow String Silencers
We have tested tons of silencer of the market considering their reviews, popularities and experts opinions. From these, we have selected the top 5 on for 2021. Let us look at five of our favorite ones in the market that you can buy in your budget range.
1. Best Overall Bow String Silencer – Mossy Oak String
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You don’t want something that cannot perform in hostile weather or rainy weather. Most string silencers are made of organic felt and fur that does worsen and does not work well in the humid or wet weather. To hunters worldwide, these are also known as the best string silencers for a compound bow.
The way people know this type of bow silencer is cats-whisker. These are made of non-organic materials (rubber) that do not react to water, humidity, or other substances.
The installation system of this small silencer is very easy and straightforward. If you are a beginner or don’t have that much experience, you can easily install them on your chord. Even installing the beaver balls is more complicated than these.
In one package, you will get four pieces of softballs. You can install them on all kinds of lines that are available to the hunters. On a set of a bow, you have to install one on each side of the compound bow string.
These are also super lightweight and that does not create any resistance when shooting. When the line twangs, the vibration instantly gets consumed by small strips.
- made of high-quality synthetic materials
- Does not weight a lot
- Easy to install and use
- Comes four in one package
- The item can sometimes get damaged by substantial-velocity
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2. Best All-Weather Silencer – TOPARCHERY Otter Hide
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The simple rules and technologies have the most convenient solutions ever. This one is made of premium refined and well treated. Otter leather. These are super lightweight and do not affect any parameter of your archery. A single unit’s total weight is only 3 grams that do not really have any effects on the bowstring weight and drag.
The soft and tender fur has the ability to neutralize all the vibration that is created due to the sling. The installation process is a bit tricky with this set of string stabilizers, but the result is incredible.
To install these, you have to unwrap the string from the bow. When it is disconnected, you have to insert one end through the string slots. The strap-shaped fur wraps around the whole string. You have to use two of these fur balls on each side of the lines.
The far line also has a natural color that helps your bow to blend with the surrounding. The wind gets each hair of the fur stack, and it does a great job keeping the sound low from spreading.
- Has a natural feeling and color
- Weighs only 3 grams, which is comparatively lower than the others
- Perform very well in all-weather condition
- Does not work well when raining
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3. Best for Compound Bow – I-Sport Otter Dampener Silencer
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No matter if you are a professional or a beginner, you can always consider I-Sport Otter Dampener as the best line silencers for recurve bow, compound bow, or even the crossbow. This set of damper works on every category of bows.
You will find 7.87 inches of processed otter skin in the box that you can install by hand with no machines or bow press. The leather has been processed so that the bristles do not fall off on massive and fast swings. The skin also does not have any smell that might mess up your prey and distract from getting targeted.
These are also known as versatile dampener that you can cut and use on different kinds of applications. For crossbows, you can cut them short and attach them to the string. The 20 Cm length would be perfect for longbows, which are specialized for long-distance shots.
All the bristles in this silencer are even, and it cuts through the air smoothly, dampening all the noises that might be created.
- The long strip is useful for all kinds of application
- A smooth and fluffy layer eliminated the noise nicely
- Does not weight much, which keeps the accuracy right
- These are not usable in rainy weather condition
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4. Best for Professionals – LimbSaver Everlast String Leech
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LimbSaver is a smart way of eliminating the vibration and minimizing the noise created by string jerking. These are very small and compact; these are also known as the best silencers for a compound bow for the professionals. This unit has a slit that goes through the line fibers, and two weighted ends ease the vibration.
This unit is small and compact that does not add any volume to your string. You can quickly put them on and off whenever you need them. You won’t even have to use any bow press to take the bow line off from the bow.
The weather tolerance of this unit is incredible. Like the Carbon Express 57509 rubber silencer, this item will last for years. The material does not react to water, air, or any natural substances, and you will be able to use them in harsh weather conditions and any hostile situations.
These are specially designed for modern compound bows and recurve bows. You can even use them on longbows if the tension is high enough. It stabilizes the vibration, and that’s how the whole system of sound elimination works.
As a small piece of gear, the corners and points are well rounded. This is how the cords can last for a long time.
- Small and lightweight unit
- Reduce noise by stabilizing the string vibration
- Works on most kind of bows
- Usable in any weather condition
- Very high tension can break the stabilizers. You have to be careful when using
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5. Best String Silencer for Recurve Bow – Mountain Man Beaver
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At this budget range, you will not be able to find a better crossbow silencer kit that is small and yet powerful. Yes, this unit is tiny and lightweight. It reduces the string vibration and provides an excellent silent bowing experience.
Beaver hide is very lightweight and can stand water and any humid weather condition. These are made from specially treated beaver hide that can stand most of the rough weather conditions. The hides are tanned to make sure they can stand the heat and dry weather.
The versatility of these cords’ dampener is incredible. You can use them on longbows, crossbows, and on all of the recurve and compound bows. These silencers last longer than the artificial ones that you will be able to find in the market. With the primal flavor, you will get the blend of modern finishing and technologies.
Mountain Man has a lot of value for the money in the lightweight range and has a great life.
- Tanned and specially treated beaver hide
- Supports all kind of bows and weather conditions
- Weighs less than 3 grams, which are a lot less than the others in the market
- Installing is not that easy and straightforward
- The string speed slows down a bit
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How Do Bow Silencers Work?
The bow string noise works mostly on the general laws of physics. For different kinds of bows, there are several types of string dampeners available in the market. Some are mechanical, and some are the felt strips, and several mechanical ones have not been discussed in this bow string silencers review. The principle of noise dampening has been discussed here.
Vibration Consumption Form the Bow String
The main source of sound from the bow is from the string swing. The instant vibration creates the noise that gets damped by the soft hide.
The method of attaching the dampener is to wrap it around and through the string. The strips are soft and tender. It has the ability to take the vibration and spread it through the hair it has. Some of these dampeners are made of organic hides, and some are made of artificial materials.
All of these line dampeners work in the same principle. They take the vibrations and spreads it throughout all the hairs or extensions it has.
Stabilizing the Whole Bow System
The string silencers do not have a lot of weight or bulk. Due to less size and weight, the stability and accuracy of the bow remain the default.
Silencers do work as stabilizing the whole bow mechanism. If you have bulky items, you will be able to stabilize the whole bow mechanisms. It can neutralize the extra clanks and movements of the bow joints.
Distributing the kinetic energy
If the kinetic energy can be distributed through the whole construction, this will help the bow to stabilize a lot. The stability is the main key to mute the bow.
The compound bows have been designed to keep the balance in focus. They are specially designed to keep the center of gravity precisely on the grips. This is how the bows are muted.
How to Silence Your Bow
There are lots of experts who talked about silencing bows, and many people have shows ways to do it. We have three of the general methods to speak about silencing your bow.
Using String Dampener
We have mentioned some of the best compound bow string silencers in the market that might interest you to choose the one. The principle is to stabilize the slings and distribute them among the hair particles.
Felt stabilizers are small and lightweight. It does not take a lot of effort to install. They weigh hardly three to seven grams. It does not also add a lot of weight to the line, and that is why you will see unchanged performance after installation.
Adjusting the Center of Gravity
It is a law of physics that more vibration will create more noise. If you have centered your gravity point on the strongest point, it will be stable enough to produce less noise.
Recurve bows are a bit tricky to collaborate with, but if you have the best string silencers for recurve bow, you might not have to adjust the calibration. If the horizontal point of gravity is on the gripping hand, your hand will consume most of the vibration, and thus the noise will be reduced.
You can not do this alone if the calibration is not right. You must go to the local experts or bow servicing center to ensure that everything is done right.
Filling up the Gaps
This is the easiest way to keep the bow noise as low as possible. Use Allen wrench to take the bow’s parts and inspect the gaps and empty spaces in between the pieces. Use thin fabrics and small globs of foam to fill up the gaps inside the joints.
You can also add soft clothes on the grip or the limbs to add more stability. When adding, make sure that you are not adding too much weight and not ruining the calibration.
Why Use a String Silencer on Your Bow?
String dampening and silencing the bows is a simple solution that people back in the days use to maximize successful hunting. There are a lot of reasons to use string dampeners on your bow.
Not to Scare the Prey Away
If you are not a total beginner, you already know that noise and sound matters. You might also have used scent killers to not getting tracked or exposed by the smell.
The silent hunters mainly use bows, and you don’t want to blow your covers by the sound of bow swings. It will be wise to use the bow silencers to make sure you are all covered up.
You are safe from predators
The jungle is a wild place. Anything can happen at any time. With the silences on, you can avoid getting noticed by wild animals.
Wild bears and wild cats can see the single sounds and steps, and the default bow can have a lot of sounds created by the slings, and you might get noticed.
Not wasting arrows and abusing animals
Wild animals have a speedy response time, which is their survival technique. The sound generated by a bow can trigger them, and their sudden movement can result in the wastage of arrows.
If you misfire or hit the targets on the wrong limbs, that might wound them, which is not good for better reproduction.
The Best Strategy to Start with a Professional Approach
Al the professional hunters have bow string stabilizers and unique scopes. If you are a beginner and want to get into the hunter’s zone, you can start with the string dampeners.
Also, you can then upgrade the other materials and even start adding bow stabilizers to stabilize the bow a bit more.
Cheap and Convenient
Most of the best compound bow silencers do not really cost much according to the user experience. The price range fluctuates from one to ten dollars maximum. The rubber made items may work great at reasonable prices. But some other items will be lighter.
The gadget you will get is also very lightweight at 3 to 5 grams. Installing them is easy and does not vary the accuracy. It is the best comparison to the other string stabilizing methods.
Final Thoughts on Bow String Silencer
Throughout this bow silencers review, we have learned about all the types of string stabilizers you might get from the market. As they are easy to install and cheap to buy, you might not have any hesitation to buy one and start using on your bow unit.
The quality and performance do not differ from bow types to types. You can get one new unit that will fit your compound bow, longbow, or recurve bow. You can also install these best bow string silencers by your hand without any expertise. We hope that you can now start practicing bowhunting for a safe and sound hunting concourse.
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