Regardless of how experienced angler you are you will definitely agree on the fact that fishing with crankbait is the best and most reliable technique. If you judge rationally, you will see that crankbait fishing is cheaper and it’s a renewable way of fishing. You just need the best lipless crankbait and you can rest assure for a long day fishing.
Most of the Bass catchers use this technique for fishing. In the market of variety, it’s not easy to find the best crankbait for your situation. Different crankbaits work and act differently. Here we have come up with some great crankbaits that may impress you.
Table could not be displayed.Top 5 Best Lipless Crankbait Reviews
Check out the reviews of best lipless crankbait of 2021 below.
1. Rapala Rattlin 05 Fishing Lure Lipless Crankbait
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ON the market of crankbaits Rapala Rattlin 05 has been nominated as the best choice for consumers. If you are a regular crankbait fisher then you most probably know that single hooked baits have fewer chances to get fishes caught on the hook. So Rapala has made this one for stepping your game up.
- Well balanced package
- Specially tuned chamber with BBs
- Varieties of color combination
- A bit expensive choice
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2. Strike King Red Eye Shad Bait
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Among all the most eye-catching lures on the market, Strike King Red Eye holds a special place among anglers over the world. It has been designed and finished precisely and the action it offers is amazingly perfect. It’s easy to control and you can drag fast on this.
- Super cool and futuristic design
- Awesome free fall motion
- Red 3D eyes attract more
- It floats, you may need the practice to get used to
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3. Spro Aruku Shad 75 Crank Bait-Pack of 1
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If you are planning to hook your baits for not only the bass and alongside you may have decided to change your hook for other fishes like salmon or you want to start trolling, you can choose these shad baits for you. These have interchangeable options to attach your choice of hooks. These are the most realistic ones that you may find in the market.
- Most weedless lipless crankbait
- Comes with gang hooks and split rings
- Very good for beginners
- Not good for professionals
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4. Rapala Rippin Rap Lipless Crankbait
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If you are on the market to find the most versatile lure that you want to take out with you all the time to any of fishing spot then look no further, Rapala Rippin Rap is the one that you are looking for. It has a thin and slim design profile that also helps this one to swim through the waves easily.
- Rapid vibrating action
- Long casting capabilities
- Loud BBs for rattling
- Realistic design
- Not good for big basses
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5. Strike King Red Eye Shad Bait
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Look no further if you are shopping and want to save some bucks on the best fish lure on the market. Strike King Red Eye Shad bait is going to help you in this matter here. It’s super compact and lightweight and the professional strike is definitely going to impress you out.
- The perfect body shape that represents shad style perfectly
- Free falls are incredibly beautiful
- 3D painting and eye design makes it outstanding
- Does not have any rattling BBs
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How to Fish with Lipless Crankbait
For many years’ anglers have been exploring to know the behavior of the fishes and they have been developing the not organic bait fewer techniques of fishing. Crankbait is one among them. It’s an inexpensive way to catch fishes that is inexpensive in additionally it’s renewable. Before you jump into the conclusion and start your journey, here we will be knowing about how this technique depends on some factors that are really necessary to know.
Know the Facts of Drivers on Crankbaits
First of all, we have to keep in mind that these baits are made of artificial plastic or ABS material that either sinks in or floats on water. Depending on their floating characteristics we can divide them into three main categories.
Shallow divers:
People also call these square bills. They do not go down much further. They tend to float or slightly sink under the water. These are lightweight or hollow inside.The angler who are targeting the lakes with not so much depth should use these. Sinking depth of these baits’ ranges from 0 feet to 5 feet and there are the otherswhich range from 2 feet to 8 feet. These are fast to cast and easy to pull. You will have to have sensitive lines and rods to use them.
Medium divers:
Medium divers are the ones that dive deeper than the square bills. It’s sinking depth ranges from 8 feet to 12 feet underwater. Almost all the professional anglershave these types of bait in their collection. These medium heavy lures not only catch bass but also some freshwater salmons like this category of crankbaits.
This is very useful for medium-sized fishes. To get the most out of this you have to have a medium weighted rods and braided lines. It provides the best sensitivity.
Deeps divers
If you are into those big monsters underwater that is almost unreachable, and you also want to place your baits into the bushes or around seaweed deep and heavydivers will be the ideal choice for you.
These are extremely heavy and in the heavy underwater water pressure, this performs extremely well. You can even expect catfishes that hide into the muds usingthese lures.
These baits are stiff and hard. If you get some of these you should get some good stiff rods, high performing reels, and some reinforced heavy-duty lines. Because big fishes will be hard fighters to fight with low performing tools.
Lipless crankbaits:
These baits are also known as Rattlebaits. If you are old enough then you will know the history of the game change. There used to be only crankbaits that used tohave lips and those lips were used to drive the fishes underwater in a motion.
But afterward, people have invented the technique of driving the lure underwater without the help of extra lips. Lipless crankbaits are compact, and they represent the fish figures very well.
Modify Your Hooks
Most of the bait that you will buy from the market will have hooks attached to them. Mostly you will find two.
If you find out that those hooks are not working in your situation, you may get into the process of swapping them. You will find hooks of three to four hook configuration that might give you a better result.
Tune your Crankbaits
Sometimes your crankbaits don’t work like you want it to be. For lipped lures, you can direct the line ties at directions to make it move to your desired direction.
You can use a pair of pliers to do this. If your bait is running left, you can crank it right to straighten its direction and vice versa.
Know the Weather of Fishing
All the professional anglers who use crankbaits they analyze the weather very carefully and they choose their baits carefully. For this reason, having morethan one or several sets and color option can save you from a lot of frustration.
Sometimes you will need dark colored bait for cloudy or foggy weather and white or brighter one for sunny weather. So, analyzing your weather is really necessary.
Choose Your Weapon Right
You most probably can assume that if you are going for big fishes you must need hard and tough rods and reels to get the job done.
Your line type, reel, rods, and crankbaits have to be in a balanced so that you can sense well, and the power you might need is what you are going to have. We will be getting a short description about them.
The rod:
Rod is the main powerhouse as well as the balance of the whole system. The thicker the rod is the tougher it gets. It’s also necessary to have sensitivity going through the rod. You can choose medium to heavy rods for crankbaits because they are sensitive, and it has the ability to cast the baits into the water perfectly.
Reels with large drag ratio will work very well. Because you have to pull the fish out of the water as soon as you can. Otherwise, the hook may lose the fish due to the slow pulling action.
Hooks are often provided with the lures that you buy from the market. Those are great to work with. Sometimes over time, they get delayed. So, you must check yourhooks if they are sharp enough to help you with the catch. Aftermarket hooks will work very well. Get one if you can install them on.
Common Crankbait Fishing Mistakes: How to Fish with Crankbaits Properly
Professional and experienced anger know that fishing with crankbait is not the easiest way of fishing. You have to be patient and you have to get used to the steps andsequences. People often give up too quickly due to not getting good results.
How and When You Should Catch Fish Using Crankbaits
Firstly, they often do not know what fishes to catch and from where they can find those fishes. You often find difficulties while choosing the best place and shore to cast your bait. So, you get frustrated and give up the hope of getting fishes.
As an example, we have to think that on the first day when we go to the lake where we might have come to know that bass lives. But we are not accurately sure where they are hiding. So, we keep throwing our bait to several places without any contexts and our day end up with no fishes in our hand. This situation is completely normal. If you do not place your artificial fish to a spot and don’t make it dance properly big fishes are never going to get the dinner bell.
Overcoming the Problem
To overcome this problem, you have to build up your own strategy. Throw your bait to the same place for more than five times straight. If you are taking a boat take someone with you so that you can talk it out. The fishing game is not a quick game to play. It will need strategy and practices.
Problems in Casting Motion
Now if you have overcome your lack of patience and still not getting the result as professional. Then you should check your actions when you have the lures and lines in your hand. Any improper casting motion can distract the fishes and scare them away.
Most of the crankbaits nowadays have great falling action and when they hit the water the wave and sound of BBs inside emulates an original fish that any big fishes may eat as food.
How You Can Avoid this?
Now if you do not have perfect action as your action is too fast it may hit harder into the water. It may or may not happen due to your practice or previous strategy.
This can also happen due to the imbalanced rod and reel configuration. Hard and stiff rods will provide fast casting motion.
It can also happen that, you have cast your lure anyhow. But you could not feel the vibration that is supposed to alert you to pull the line. This can happen if your rod is too hard. So, get your rod and rod action right this time. You will overcome your failure.
Not Getting Proper Amount of Fishes Using Crankbaits
This might sound negative but it can happen that the technique that you are following is not efficient and fruitful to the location that you have chosen.
You will realize this when you see you are baiting the fishes all day long, but you are not getting any good result there but anglers around this area have foundseveral fishes from your hunting spot. It might happen because of the bait that you have chosen.
The solution is to Change the Gear or Area
The fishes in your area may not be interested in the fish type that you are using. You can also assume that crankbait is not the technique for that situation or location.
You can either change your lure or change techniques like spearfishing, netting, trapping and so on. It’s said that just be versatile about techniques.
Not Knowing Much About Crankbait Fishing Leads Bad Effect
The final thing that we have to keep in mind that experienced people has the knowledge more than beginners. Here is a mistake that beginner misses that they gofishing without having any knowledge of how and when to. There are lots of useful articles and forums are online to help you out.
In the era of social media communication, you can easily find groups where people are sharing their experiences about their baits, locations, fishes, the perfect rods and a lot of accessories.
If someone is avoiding these kinds of information source then he is probably missing out a big chunk of fishes that he or she might get.
How to Choose the Right Crankbait
Choosing the best crankbait has become tough due to so many choices opened in front of us. Just so that we don’t get distracted we will be knowing about some of thethings that we should consider while choosing the right crankbait for our next fishing mission.
Sinking Depths of the Crankbait
Almost all of the baits on the market has an indication of what depth it will be sinking. There are mainly four kinds of crankbaits that sink in four different depth. The depth of the sinking ranges from zero to fully sink. The floating ones are the one that catches fishes from the upper layer. It sinks to only 2 feet.
The moderate ones sink a bit more. They sink from 2 to 8 feet. There are the sinkers which go deep down to more than 12 feet and that is very good for catching the giants. Big basses and often catfishes live underwater and you can invite them using these deep sinkers.
Size or Profile the Fish You Are Targeting
If you know what type of fish you are targeting, then you must have a clear vision of what size lure you want to buy. Big baits are the sinkers. They are used to get the monster from the deepest part of the lakes.
And the built profile has to be perfect so that it matches with your target. Small baits can be selected for small sized fishes and you should go with the bigger ones for big fishes.
Check the Different Design and See Which Suits Your Cause
Most of the crankbaits have many different types of color and design configuration. Pick the design of your choice by measuring and monitoring the behavior of thefishes from the lake.
But it’s always a better idea to have crankbaits of different designs and configuration because you never know when the weather changes.
Which Color of the Crankbaits Do You want?
There are two types of color and finishing options are available in the market. One is color coating and there are laminated 3D colors. The laminated ones have theability to last for their lifetime.
The eye color of the lures is also a necessary thing that you should be considering. Red eyes make it look the most realistic.
If it Has Rattling BBs Option?
Inside some of the crankbaits, you will be able to see that there are some rattling BBs that makes a very small amount of noise or crackling sound. These sounds attractmore fishes towards the lure.
Sometimes you will realize that they are not necessary if the falling imitates more realistic activities. Get your hands on to some lures with rattling BBs insidebecause it’s not a bad idea to try something new.
Check the Hook Configuration Before Buying
Since the lipless crankbaits have been invented, two hooks configuration has become very popular these days. Because it has more chances to get the fishes online.After several catches, you will be able to see the main characteristics of the fishes of a lake.
You can change your hooks afterward if you want to because there are lots of aftermarket options for them.
Final Verdict: Which is the Best Crankbait
Crankbaits are like the dinner bell for the basses that hides in the lake. If your bells are correct and have the perfect tone and action then it is defined that theywill be falling for your treat. You just need to be ensured about a thing that is the bait choice, weight, sound and color configuration the whole thing depends on the environment and fish behavior.
Your success rate is also dependent on the total package you have in your hand. The rod, reel, and lines that are using also define your success. If all the thingssync together and you can choose the right ones to make them work together with you never have to look back.
Looking at the bluest sky, I forget all my stresses. Going through the green I try to breathe, more than I do in my reality. So, that’s why I love camping.
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