As a new camper probably, you are thinking camping is all about packing your essential gears and you are good to go. Camping is that simple when you already have proper knowledge of every aspect of camping. Like knowing the first-time campers safety guidance will help you be in a trip very securely.
While packing or planning you should always think about the occurrences you might face at camping and what precautions you should take to tackle those.
For camping, you will be staying in the woods and you will not have easy access to a grocery store or a pharmacy where you can go and buy anything necessary. Therefore you should go prepared with every essential you need.
Safety for First Time Campers: Tips and Guide
Here is a list of safety measures for first-time campers:
Weather Research is Important Before the Camping Trip
The most essential step before making a camping plan is researching on campsite weather. If you start your journey without knowing the weather condition then you might face troubles.
Pack your bag according to weather condition so that you can get there with all the essential things you need, also choose your tent and sleeping gears accordingly.
Safety for Backpacking
Before packing your bag, form camping you should always make a checklist. Also, you need to buy a backpack which weighs light and can accommodate a good number of essentials.
Buy a backpack which has comfortable, padded shoulder straps and has a fair amount of strap locks to secure your pack shape. Try to find bags which have side pockets to hold your water bottle or sunblock spray.
Practice for Trekking and Hiking
Hiking or trekking is usually comes added with camping. If you are not fit enough to hit the track then you might end up with fatigue body, cramps or even twisted ankles.
To avoid these kinds of circumstances you need to practice around your house. Start practicing with shorter terrines or you can say a day trekking.
You should also start doing the workout as camping or hiking means carrying a lot of weight on your shoulder. Therefore, if you are not strong enough you will not be able to carry the weight.
Choose Campsite Wisely for Safe Camping
Be careful while choosing your campsite. Choose a place for your campsite which is moderately higher. The reason behind choosing this kind of places is because higher grounds are most likely dryer which is suitable for camping.
Try to choose a site close to the water supply but not too close to avoid contamination. Choose a site within approximately 200 feet from the water supply. Also, avoid widow maker trees or trees with dead branches as dead limbs can any time fall down and can severely hurt you.
Set Up Tent or Hammock Properly
After choosing a suitable campsite it is time to set your tent or hammock. Like a new camper, you might be comfortable with a tent as hammocks do not give you any specific space for your camping gears.
Going with family means you need a larger cabin tents, which are little tricky to handle and need better preparation. Learn about the setup to avoid any issues.
Before setting up a tent lay a tarp on the tent area and then set your tent on top of the tarp. This will protect yourself from direct contact with the surface and will also protect you from the moisture coming out of the ground.
If you want to protect your tent from snow, wind or critters or even small branches then you can set another tarp on top of your tent. Always remember to avoid sloppy areas while choosing a place for a tent; otherwise, you will end up crashing down from hills.
Fire Safety Tips for Camping
Avoid cooking inside your tent. Cooking releases carbon dioxide which is very harmful to the human body, also no matter how careful you are flames can burn your tent any time. Do not forget to put out fires after you are done with campfire and stove.
Always avoid places which are close to trees in order to set up a campfire. The reason behind avoiding the places is trees can easily catch fire any time.
Also, control your campfire flame to avoid any unwanted circumstances. For further safety, you can practice some fire drills before heading for camping.
Food Safety for Camping
Many campers bring their foods from home as they want to avoid cooking during camping. If you want to cook your food at the campsite then that is also possible and enjoyable at the same time.
You just need to maintain some safety measures while cooking and while setting up your cooking gears. Also, to keep your raw cooking materials or groceries fresh keep them in an open space with good ventilation facility.
Using Lantern and Torch Light
Keep lanterns and torch lights with you. This is one of the important campers safety tips to follow.
Fires can keep wild animals away; therefore you can bring 3 to 4 lanterns and can put them on the corners of your campsite to avoid unwanted guests after dawn.
Also, do not forget to bring lanterns which have safety leads, otherwise lanterns can also put your campsite on fire.
Keep a torch with yourself while camping or while you are hiking. You might become late and before reaching your destination the sky can become dark, if you have a torch with you it can save your life from the dark.
Looking at the bluest sky, I forget all my stresses. Going through the green I try to breathe, more than I do in my reality. So, that’s why I love camping.
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