One of the things I enjoy is fishing and my favorite spot for fishing are ponds, lakes, rivers, creek, and other fresh water. I enjoy and love spending my time with blue and there are few days which are frustrating and tough to survive in freshwater fishing. But, if you have a passion for fishing, you will overcome those days and focus on new days.
Everything is important in water; one small tip can change the whole fishing game. There’s a few difference when you are catching fish in freshwater rather than saltwater. Few trips are given below for catching fish better but first, there are few basic things you need to know about freshwater.
First Learn the Basic about Freshwater
In our fly fish for beginners’ article, we have given tips on the right approach. And the right approach can be obtained by knowing your target properly. Freshwater means the water contains less than 0.05% salinity.
If fisherman fish in those water then it’s called freshwater fishing and it can be man-made or natural. Normally ponds, lakes and rivers contain freshwater and they are available in every continent.
There’s one major difference in fishing in freshwater and saltwater and that is the species of fish. They are completely different and only a few species can survive in both fresh and salt water. Salmon is one of them, born in freshwater but spend a few years in salt water then come back to the freshwater.
For freshwater fishing, you don’t need big ship all you need is a small boat or kayak. Some people even go fishing without a boat but with a small boat, you can cover all the area and corner. Freshwater contains life even if the water cover 70% of the surface but it contains only 3% of freshwater.
Freshwater Fishing Tips, Tricks, and Guides for Beginners
Bass fishing, surf fishing, and wade fishing with so many other fishing types need different fishing techniques and skills. However, for the beginners, the guide and tips help a lot with going fishing in the water. Here are a few tips and tricks you can follow for a better fishing experience.
Dress Properly for Freshwater Fishing
Whenever you will be in the water, try to dress the part. It’s better to dress in a layer. Always try to wear sunglass, hat or bandana.
At first, base wears something simple t-shirt, shorts or pants. For insulation wear long sleeve shirt and over wear it by jacket or hoodie. At the final stage wear something like a raincoat, poncho or waders.
If you care about your skin much, then wear ice fishing gloves with better protection, this helps in natural weather as well.
However, I must not tell you to follow the same techniques for freshwater fishing in heat. Weather matters here, if it’s too hot ignore the last two but first two is important.
Take Proper Fishing Rod and Reels for Freshwater Fishing
Rod and reel represent a fisherman’s experience level. For a beginner, a button release will work better than any other rod & reel. So, for the first time, the best freshwater fishing tips is to invest in a spinning reel.
This is reliable and will help you perform better which ultimately helps in your confidence. But, first practice it, learn the tricks, and master it. After mastering the art, cast the iron with a spinner and use your hand as a bait-caster.
In this case, the type of fish also important for rod & reel. Like for catfish, you need a spinner, a heavy bait-caster. If you are a pro then for bluegill, sunfish, crappie, and other pan-fish use any kind of spinner. To catch bass, the bait caster will work like wonder. For a carp and tilapia used spinner is the key.
Right Freshwater Fishing Line Tips for the Beginners
Not only the rod is important in fishing. There are a lot of other items and gears you should keep with you for better fishing. And of course, the proper ones. This is one of the major freshwater fishing secrets for newbies and pros.
For the fish to catch, the right fishing line for different fishes is important here. Carp, cats, tilapia, and, that bigger bass you need 30-pound test braided line. The main spinner should be 12-pound test approved so it will be bass fishing. Another spinner has to be a 10-pound test andoutfit should be a 10-30-pound test.
Don’t Overlook to Take the Right Hooks and Bobbers
You can never have too many hooks, sinkers, or bobbers. Every fisherman should have a certain type of bait holder hooks, split shot sinkers, and snap bobbers. For snagged fishing, you need a larger treble hook which will help you snag tilapia.
For a live bait use circle hook and for soft plastics I use a Texas or Carolina rigging hook. Every kind of hook works if you are experienced enough, with the time you have your personal preference.
Freshwater Fishing Tips on Baits for the Beginners
For the first time in dock, you have to just relax and cast your bait. There are different types of bait for trout, wade and other fishes. Take a look of the types you want to fish and then approach with the right type of bait.
Panfish is the perfect choice for the first time, they are always close to the dock and take anything edible. Just open your bail and your rig should be in the water right next to the dock. In the dock, don’t go deep try to fish from a visible distance.
So, it will be easy for you to catch the fish and don’t need to use a bobber. In this kind of situation, bait is not important but if that’s not available on the first trip then you need a few tips for baits.
Use the Bait Considering What You are Fishing
The bait is different from the choice of fish. Worms, wax worms, soft shell, and minnows are the best choice for a starter. Live bait is always the best choice. Live bait can be different kind of leeches or frogs or small catfish. If you are trying to catch a scavenger then dead things with strong odor are the best choice. Use freshwater fishing bait wisely.
Use a different kind of bait but most of the time for catfish chicken fat, liver, corn, gum, bar soap, wood grubs, and worms work best. Bass is best caught with soft plastics, lures, worms, grubs, chicken fat, and live baits. Panfish works with bread balls, Berkley power bait, small gigs, and minnows.
Tilapia and carp are harder to catch, with the time you will have your own method to catch them. Sometimes for carp using a circle hook and a whole slice of beard works.
Using Floats & Sinks for Fishing Can Make Difference
Using floats and sinks can create a big difference. For catfish using a sinker or float will help and for panfish slip float will do. Bullet sinker is helpful for bass, free line witch works for carp and tilapia.
Knife and Tool Usage in Fishing
Few extra accessories always help with fishing. Pain needle nose pliers is always a good choice to carry. You can remove a hook from the fish, the uses are endless. Pair of clippers or knife will help to cut the line. Rulers or measuring tape are for a pro who likes to keep a track of the catch.
How to Fish Deep Freshwater
If you like fishing between 5 to 10 feet in the fresh water, may be going a little deep is a good choice to take your chances. There is quality crankbait to use for deeper freshwater fishing and catches the gems. Here are some bait types you can use for deep water fishing.
- Deep Diving Crank Bait for Fish
- Drop Shot Bait is Ideal for Brush Piles and Other Deep Structures
- Flutter Spoon with Longer Casting
- Swimbaits and Bucktails
Find a Spot for Freshwater Fishing
If you want to catch a fish then maybe choosing a spot is the most important. Choose a place for fishing where definite signs of fish life exist and shouldn’t be many anglers with you. Take help from fish finder or scout out an area and this is the best way for signs of fish life.
Check the place if It has bait fish, fountain or aquatic growth, structures, clean water, sunlight. trees and downed trees. After finding a spot make sure you have a clean hand. Fish can smell the foreign scent on the bet and that can give them off signal.
For a spot, the temperature is also important. With a little bit of research, you will find out that most o of freshwater fish species have specific water temperature. So before catching fish try to understand your spot, study a little bit about time and water depths. Paperwork needs to be done before you find your perfect spot.
Most of the states require a fishing license, for children in a certain age range it can be different. If you ignore the license there will be fine for it which is an unnecessary cost. So even if you are planning for one or two trips issue a license for you.
Safety Information for Freshwater Fisherman
Without specific precautions, life-threatening incidents can happen in the time of fishing. Freshwater fishing screams safe but accident can happen even with the slightest mistake. When you remove the hook from the skin, crush the barbs on hoot.
Use wader belt it will prevent water from rushing into your waders even when you stumble. Using life jackets when fishing is more important than anything else. Using sunscreen and sunglass will protect your skin from sun burning.
There are so many tips you will find about fishing but the most important tips are actually taking the first step. First few days will be difficult there’s a possibility you won’t find any fish but if you have patience then success will come.
It’s very helpful And Informative content for beginners. Thanks for publishing.