While traveling, you’ll have to be prepared to maintain your general health. This applies especially to jet lag experienced after a long haul flight, foot care on the trail, health for women travelers, etc. With some knowledge of healthy travel tips and some guides, you can actually stay well after these travels.
When traveling for fun or work, staying healthy while traveling for work will be an important issue. This article will discuss some do’s and don’t, along with essential guides on first-aid skills to deal with emergencies.
How to Stay Healthy While Traveling
Staying healthy in travel is really important for backpackers and travelers. At the same time, we have a plan for another article on our website on how to stay healthy while backpacking. This article will cover some of the major health tips and guides for traveling.
1. Foot care and Blister Tips for Traveler
Forgive the pun, but keeping your feet warm and in good shape does keep your trek on a sound footing. Blisters result from the friction of the skin and can rapidly cause excruciating discomfort at every step.
Before your trek, try to toughen up the feet by walking barefoot or wearing boots in and around the house. Rubbing alcohol applied morning and night can also help roughen the skin.
Easy preventative measures, often overlooked, include keeping your socks worn properly (without blister-inducing creases) and clearing your boots of grit, seeds, and other irritants.
As soon as you notice the development of hot spots with reddened skin, apply moleskin or dressing around the blister. Placing plasters directly over fully-formed blisters can often cause even more friction. Airing your socks and feet once or twice a day during a break on the trail gives them a chance to dry for a moment. Foot powder counteracts the softening of the feet caused by sweating.
Opinions vary on the desirability of pricking blisters. If you puncture, be sure to clean the patch of skin, disinfect the needle or pin in a flame, and pierce at the edge. Keep the blister clean, dry, free of infection, and cushioned from further friction.
Carry a blister kit in a side pocket so that it is close at hand for running repairs during the day’s trekking.
2. Cramps, Sprains, and Strains in Traveling
A muscle cramp is brought on by a combination of exercise and lack of water and salt. Treatment consists of rehydration, preferably as an isotonic drink to restore the body’s electrolyte level: light massage; and the application of warmth to the affected muscle.
Sprains need prompt attention, especially if the problem zone is an ankle joint. If there are light swelling and tenderness, apply cold water to the affected part, and provide support. Wrap an elasticized bandage around a sprained ankle in a figure-eight pattern. A more severe strain, typically presenting impressive rainbow coloring within a day of occurrence, should be treated by resting the affected joint in an elevated position and applying a cold compress.
Strains involve torn or stretched muscles. Treat by resting the affected part, applying a cold compress, and taking appropriate painkillers as necessary.
3. How to Eat Healthy While Traveling
When we plan to eat on travel, the first things that normally come into our minds are junk and fast food. Not to mention some of the soft drinks also. Simultaneously, some of these foods can be really risky, as you do not know much about the locality and can make some wrong food choices in travel.
Moreover, fast food isn’t beneficial during travel.
Making better choices of food and drinks may take care of your wellness while traveling. So, How to Eat Healthy While Traveling and make better choices of foods? Here are some tips:
- Choose something from the grocery store, not a fast food point.
- Eat-in a smaller amount and more frequently.
- Healthy protein food actually gives you strength. So, eat plenty of them.
- Pack some important snacks: Pack healthy snacks and other nutrias items in your car or backpack.
- Drinks plenty of water. Also, you can drink juices from the fresh fruits of the locals.
4. The Toilet is Actually an Important Issue in Traveling
Where would travel be without the never-ending supply of toilet stories? The sit-down model, the most Westerners, recognize; however, squat toilets, as commonly found in Asia. These toilets allow the user to place feet on either side of the bowl and hunker down.
5. Hygiene Advantage of Travel Toilet
One hygiene advantage is the lack of contact with a seat; another is, reportedly, the additional downward pressure. Holes in the ground, with or without shelter, are the most basic version.
My favorite establishment is a musical restroom at the Sukoton Peninsula’s tip on Rebunto Island, Hokkaido, Japan. In the middle of nowhere stands this gleaming, windswept restroom. As you enter, an electric eye starts a tape, which plays classical guitar music or the recorded swishing of the sea, which is outside the door.
Here are some toilet tips for staying healthy while traveling here. It will solve some concerns and answer some questions.
6. Toilets in Asia – Things to Consider
In many countries, especially in Asia, the use of the left hand and a washdown with water are the norms. Maintain scrupulous hygiene and be aware that uncleanliness’s associated stigma means that the left hand should not be used for daily contact in these countries.
If you want toilet paper, you’ll have to supply it yourself. Apart from the extra expense of toilet paper, the local plumbing system may not be able to deal with resultant clogging. Usually, the local solution is to place a basket next to the loo. Used paper is placed in the basket, and then the contents are emptied and burned.
Before you squat, make sure the contents of your pockets are secure. Small change, wallets, and other items can easily tumble into oblivion.
Keep your eyes open for other occupants of the toilet: in Australia, the venomous funnel-web spider is known for its love of toilet seats; and in India, if you hear strange noises coming from the bowl, it could well be a family of frogs.
7. Toilets in Western Countries – Healthy Travel Guide
For many Westerners, sheltered from the nitty-gritty of waste disposal for most of their lives. And the first encounters with pits can have amazing effects: tears, feelings of faintness, and shrieks of laughter. Just do your utmost to avoid the ultimate nightmare: falling in.
Yes, a friend of mine half-fell into the abyss at the bottom of a field during a sodden camping trip in Wales or a kayak camping trip in the lakes. I’ve known worse to happen in China. Planning for a kayak trip here is gonna be different from the outside world.
There are a few ways of minimizing your risk of earning your own unique toilet story. Always take a flashlight. An Australian doctor friend of mine told me an illustrative tale. Once, he was sleeping by the fire in a very hospitable Tibetan family’s kitchen, he felt mother nature’s call.
He was not familiar with the maze of rooms that formed their cozy domicile. He found what he believed to be the adjoining livestock room and was just about to begin micturition only to be greeted by screams of protest-he was actually in the main bedroom. Now he carries a flashlight with him everywhere.
The same doctor also recounted how one dark, windy night, a strange bat-like creature. These flapped up through the hole and scared the hell out of him. In fact, a gust of wind had blown his toilet paper back up and out the hole.
Never go barefoot to the toilet-you can imagine for yourself the consequences you risk.
To resist nausea, before you enter, dab something aromatic under your nose, or breathe lightly and calmly through a partially opened mouth (thus temporarily excluding the olfactory sense).
8. Health Issues and Tips for Women in Travel
Don’t count on the availability of tampons at your destination, where they may also be more expensive—take a supply from home. Also, note that irregular menstruation, even cessation of the period, can be the body’s natural response to travel tips (for women).
In warm, moist climates, vaginal infections can pose problems. Wear loose-fitting trousers or a skirt and cotton underwear. Because dehydration can be a contributory factor, drink sufficient liquid, especially in hot climates. Also, check out a proper backpack for backpacking women in the mountains. If you have had one or two urinary infections in the past, consider asking a doctor to provide you with antibiotics before leaving, just in case.
If you take birth control pills, remember that diarrhea’s bodily disruption may partially or totally stop absorption and that hormonal rhythms can be temporarily upset due to jet lag after long flights.
9. Staying Healthy While Flying
Flying across time zones disrupts the natural rhythms of your body, producing symptoms of jet lag: fatigue, insomnia, and erratic appetite, and digestion. For reasons unknown, the effect is more pronounced when traveling eastward.
General advice for the flight is to drink plenty of fluid (avoid alcohol, tea, and coffee), wear loose-fitting clothing and footwear, and during long flights, take a few strolls to keep the muscles from cramping. There are indications that melatonin (a natural hormone that balances reaction to darkness and light) may ease jet lag.
Some travelers also use aromatherapy oils or homeopathic pills for this purpose—plan for jet lag at the end of the flight by setting aside 24 hours of adjustment time.
About me: Hi, I’m Alex N. Ferroni, One of the creators of The Safariors blog and former camping trainer at Tripspot Magazine. I wish some other outdoor, hiking, hunting, fishing and camping enthusiasts have made this blog to share our thought. We are learning a lot through each trip, and we want you to learn that too!
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