The stream illustrated in different articles presents fairly common tips of trout fishing but always the intriguing problem of strategy. One of the major questions I found on the different website is how to catch trout in a lake from shore. These questions are raised especially for the larger trout.
In the bigger pond, the large trout in deep water can cause different troubles for the anglers especially in beginning fishing period, with their speed and strength. So, in this article, I am going to discuss some basic information about trout fishing and tips and guide anyone can follow to catch them in a better way.
How to Catch Trout in a Lake from Shore
To answer the question fairly we need to understand how they think and where they stay under the water.
So, in this article, I will give small ideas to find them under the water understanding their behavior at first and then I will discuss how to catch them properly.
Where Are the Large Touts Found in Water?
The moment you approach the bank of the pool shown in the foreground, you watch for trout feeding at the surface. If there is no surface activity, you can still presume trout are feeding beneath the surface, as they do most of the time on all streams.
What you want is to make them come in a comfortable zone, where you can cast trout fishing bait without any problems. There are different types of trout bait, which has different outcomes. You can select the right one in this situation which is for semi deep water and can be safely castes in a long range.
On a pool which looks as promising as this one, a well-presented fly could produce a fish almost anywhere. And here, as on many pools of medium size, you might cast from any of several positions.
Your choice of position-indeed, your whole plan of attack-depends on what your ambitions are. Will you settle for any fish, or do you want a large one, perhaps the largest in the pool?
If you want a large trout, the place to present your fly is near the half-submerged rock on the far side of the main current. On the downstream side of this rock, decently concealed from predators by the broken water eddying around it, a trout can hover with ease on the edge of the food-laden current.
Logic would indicate that the trout by the rock is a good one. The best trout are usually found in the best places.
Better Casting Position Selection is Important
You can cast to the rock from the bank in the foreground-but should you? If you reconnoiter along the bank, you will notice sunken logs crisscrossed out in the stream. Below these, the current smashes into driftwood piled against the bank and sweeps into the riffle below.
A large trout played from the near bank could create crisis after crisis. Also, these obstacles and be lost at the logs, the driftwood or in the fast water below. If you can get to it, the small island just beyond the rock is a far better casting position.
Also, choose a perfect trout fishing leader, so that you can cast the lure properly. The rod also plays major role, so choose something that helps you doing your works properly.
Passing the Fast Riffle in a Proper Way
On the island, you would not be cast across the main current. There would be no drag, and the shorter cast from this spot is important. Moreover, this would enable you to present the fly more temptingly. Moreover, once you hooked a fish from the island, the pull of your rod would be away from the logs. There are a lot of island for fly fishing and float fishing. The island, therefore, is your choice.
The fast riffle between the bank and the island is deep and impassable. But farther downstream you have access across broad shallows.
As you wade to the island, you will note that both the shallows and the deep riffle seem free of the obstacles-a clear path for both the trout and you to the big water below, where a large fish can be played, exhausted and netted.
How to Bring the Trout Toward the Surface
Ready now on the island, standing well back, you cast upstream. So that your fly sinks before it drifts back to the rock. Using proper trout fishing gears are a must. But appropriate guidance, experience and common sense lets you solve “how to catch trout in a lake from shore.”
You guide the fly past the side of the rock away from you, in the current that brings food to the trout. As the fly passes the rock, you raise your rod tip with a slow, gradual motion that causes the fly to rise naturally toward the surface.
You pivot your body, following through with the lifting motion until the fly reaches the surface 6 or 8 feet past the rock. The trout may strike just below the rock or he may follow the fly downstream to inspect it. Keep in mind that using the best trout fishing line is very important to throw it in a right direction.
Playing with the Fly
Your lifting motion imparts a lifelike movement to the hackle fibers and forces a decision from the trout since the fly is escaping in a way that the trout readily recognize as the behavior of many hatching insects.
While answering the question: how to catch trout in a lake from shore, I recommend the angler to play with the fly to attract them properly. Also, use the best trout/steelhead rod for fishing. Without it, your skills may seem useless.
You may see a swirl or a flash of color near your fly at any time, but most often the fish will rush as the fly approaches the surface. If there is no strike, you let the fly float along a few feet more, imitating another characteristic of many insects.
What to Do if the Trout Strikes
When the trout strikes, set the hook but not with a sharp jerk. A lift of the wrist will do it at the instant you see the flash of color or swirl near the surface. If the fish you hook at the rock is big, it will be several minutes. Especially, before you can attempt netting him safely.
Since he is familiar with all the aspects of the pool, you can expect him to surge toward the logs, a haven where he has gained freedom often, probably, when less circumspect anglers hooked him from the wrong bank. If he heads for the logs, exert pressure on the rod and try to steer him away.
Put a Firm Pressure
Should he get under them, he may sulk there only briefly and, hopefully, come out the way he went in. Your pressure should be firm but not excessive. Success with a big trout often depends on such small matters.
Relax Rod Pressure to avoid Incidents
But even if he does not get into the driftwood, the trout, rainbow trout to be exact, with his full strength can cause you trouble at any time by surfacing and rolling. During a surface roll, you relax rod pressure to avoid breaking the leader or tearing the hook out.
If he turns toward the driftwood area of deep, fast water, encourage him to leave the pool. In a way, by steering him firmly into the avenue of fast water leading downstream.
Special Technique Playing with the Trout
Follow him down, rod held high to keep as much line as possible out of the water. Because, as he strips it and part of the backing from the reel. You still have to play the trout out, recover lost line and bring him to the net, but at this point, with nothing save open, easy-moving water between you and the fish, the strategic battle is won.
In this situation, you have avoided the old bugaboo, drag, presented your fly more temptingly to the trout and minimized the hazards of the stream. The big trout of the pool is your reward for planning the whole campaign well.
About me: Hi, I’m Alex N. Ferroni, One of the creators of The Safariors blog and former camping trainer at Tripspot Magazine. I wish some other outdoor, hiking, hunting, fishing and camping enthusiasts have made this blog to share our thought. We are learning a lot through each trip, and we want you to learn that too!
Hey, what about the size of the trout is bigger than normal. Last time I used normal trout reel did seems to fail catching it up on the water. My reel got broken.