Tent is an essential gear for many outdoor activities, especially for camping. Tent is mainly used as a covered place for sleeping, it is also used for keeping all your gears safe and protected from outside.
A tent can protect you and your gears from nature, rain, and weather. Also, it is something which you must settle on the ground and for that it becomes dirty.
For buying a good quality tent you need to spend a good amount of money which is worth spending as good quality tents will serve you for years.
How to Clean a Tent: Best Way to Wash it Easily
To keep your tent in good shape you need to know some tent cleaning tips; if you do not clean and keep your tents safe then your expensive camping gear will lose its characteristics and thus will be damaged within a couple of months.
Also, it will make it less safer with fire or tent heater, if you are not cleaning it well. Therefore, without wasting any more time, let us go and find ways of cleaning a tent.
Clean a Tent on the Camping Spot
After you are done camping, detach all the parts and put them separately on the ground.
Wipe Off Dirt Before Washing the Tent
Wipe off the tent parts with a clean cloth; use a dry cloth for wiping the tent fabric and for poles and joints use a wet cloth.
While wiping check if the tent fabric got any stain or tear; if you have the option of mending the areas then do that; otherwise mark them and leave them for now.
Wash the Tent with Water and Soap
Now take a bowl and heat up water; the water should be lukewarm. So, not need to boil it. Now take mild soap and a cloth for further cleaning. Never choose detergent or any kind of soap which can damage your tent fabric.
Put your cloth in the water and spread soap all over the tent fabric, rub the fabric with the cloth. Do this process with the delicate hand; if you do it in a hurry then your fabric might get scratches or can even become torn.
If you are done cleaning the fabric then start cleaning the poles and joints using the same process. If you see any stubborn dirt then leave it and clean it after going home.
Clean the Zippers
Many people do not know that zippers also need to be cleaned. When you are wiping the tent fabric the dirt might get into the zipper line or while entering the tent some particles might get stuck on the zipper.
If you do not clean the dirt immediately then these might become stubborn and your zippers might get damaged when get in contact with other camping gears.
For cleaning the dirt from zipper line use a soft toothbrush. Wet your brush with liquid soap and water and start brushing your zippers. Do not overdo or do not be harsh while performing the step; your harsh movement can break zipper teeth in no time.
How to Clean a large Tent or Medium Tent in the Tub
If you did not clean your tent after camping then you will have to perform this step before putting your fabric inside your bathtub.
Wipe Off Dirt from the Tent
For performing this process, it is recommended to do it outside your home, if you do not have the scope then you might want to do it in an open space.
Take a soft dry cloth for cleaning the tent fabric and for cleaning the poles, cords and joints take a wet cloth.
The process is the same as mentioned above. As you will be putting the fabric in your tube, therefore, you should do this step more precisely otherwise your tub might get clogged with all the dirt.
Clean the Tent Using Water
Fill your tub with lukewarm water and put your tent fabric in it. Let it set for 5 minutes and then turn the tent inside out to clean the inner part as well. Again let it set for 2 to 3 minutes. Now open the tub-hole cap and let go of the water.
Use soap for Easy Cleaning
Now again fill the tub with water and add soap. Do not add detergent or any fragrance soap. Now again put the tent fabric inside the tub and let it sit for 15 minutes.
The water you are filling the tub with should be lukewarm. After 15 minutes take a soft cloth and rub the tent fabric carefully. 1st rub one side of the tent and then flip it inside out and rub the other side like before.
Clean the Zippers of the Tent
Take a soft toothbrush and clean the zippers properly. You must choose a soft brush otherwise your brush might damage the zipper teeth.
Also, remember to go through each and every tooth carefully; if you see any stubborn dirt sticking to the zipper then use your finger and pull them off.
Cleaning With cold water
Now open a tap and clean the whole tent fabric with cold water. Rub off the soap from the fabric and rinse the fabric until it is totally clean.
How to Clean the Hosepipe of the Tent
If you want to clean your tent fabric and other parts of your lawn, you can use a hosepipe. The pressure of the hose is controllable, and you can clean anything with it.
Clean Dirt of the Pipe
Do this step as mentioned above; as you are outside, you also use a duster or coat brush to clean the dirt from tent fabric in the open air. Please make sure the bristles are not harsh at all; otherwise, it can damage the fabric.
Hose Wash It When It Smells
Now for cleaning the fabric with water, take your hose pipe and open the tap. Clean the fabric with hose water. For now, you are not supposed to use soap. Just clean the material thoroughly using the hose water.
You do not need a lot of time for this as the hose’s pressure will clean the fabric within a couple of minutes.
Soap Wash Techniques of the Tents
Now turn off the tap and take a cloth and liquid soap. The water should be lukewarm. Rub the fabric and the poles with soapy water and clean any recedes.
You must continue rubbing the whole fabric even if you do not see any dirt on it. All types of dirt cannot be seen; if you do not clean the entire fabric, the unclean areas will lose its characteristics.
Suppose you are done cleaning, retake the hose pipe and wash everything to clean up the soap. Clean the fabric and the poles separately to wash off the soap properly.
Some More Steps on How to Clean a Tent that Smells
Now there are some steps which you need to perform for any type of cleaning method you choose. These steps are to be performed after the steps mentioned above.
Treat any Spot
If you see any spot or stain or even any slit, you need to treat it immediately. Take a brush and soap; rub the affected area slowly until the stain gets removed. If the spot does not go, then take some soap and apply it to the area. Let it be like this for half an hour or so. Rub the area again with a brush and then wipe it off with a clean and wet cloth.
If you see any slit or tear on the fabric, then make a thread and needle and start sewing the torn area. Sew the area properly; if you cannot mend torn areas, then go to a tailor or someone who can do it for you.
After the Cleaning
Rinse-Off and Dry in Open Air after you are done cleaning and mending, it is time to rinse off water from the fabric.
Take a piece of cloth and wipe off any access water from the fabric. After that, hang the fabric somewhere in nature and let the water run down from the fabric. Do not put the fabric under direct sunlight.
Put it in an open place where air can easily pass, but sun ray does not show up directly. This process might take 3 to 5 hours, depending on the weather condition.
Remember, your tent fabric must be dry; if you store a wet tent fabric, then mildew will grow, and your expensive tent fabric will be ruined.
You should also dry the poles, joints, and cords completely before packing things together. Water can help to grow rust on the poles. Therefore, wipe off any water and let them dry in the open air.
Treat it with Waterproof Coating
Last but not least, you must treat the fabric with a waterproof coating. You should use this on the outer layer of the fabric. This coating will ensure the quality of the waterproof characteristic of the fabric.
Before Buying a Water Repellent
Make sure to research it. There are many water repellents in the market; buy the one who stays for a longer time. Do not go for the ones which have low sustainability.
There are some other problems which you might face, and they are mildew, odor, and pine sap. For removing mildew, put the fabric under direct sunlight for a maximum of 5 to 10 minutes. sunlight can kill germs and help to reduce fungus. After that: Use the enzyme cleaner on the fabric.
Make sure to go through the instructions before using it. Before that, remember this can damage your fabric if you misuse it. This cleaner can also help you remove any bad smell or odor from the fabric.
If you find pine sap that is not removable with soap, you can go for mineral oil, sanitizer, or alcohol pads. Rub the area with any of these to clean up the stain; do not rub for a longer time as it can also damage your cloth easily. After removing the stain, wash the area with soap and lukewarm water
Last Few Words on How to Clean a Tent After Camping
These are the ways you can clean your tent cloth and other parts without damaging them. Specially after a winter tent camping, cleaning and drying it is very important. Choose a style of cleaning and follow all the steps properly.
Try to maintain the serial as well; this way, you will be able to keep your tent in good shape for a longer time. Also, properly store your tent; otherwise, you cannot help your tent from being damaged.
Looking at the bluest sky, I forget all my stresses. Going through the green I try to breathe, more than I do in my reality. So, that’s why I love camping.
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