Camping with a toddler can be a scary thought, especially if you are new parents. Everything is different with a toddler even if you are using a tent or pop up. Especially if you are planning for rv camping with toddlers, it will come with some issue. But let’s not stop here – You can still have a nice, safe and enjoyable family vacation with RV camping.
With a little bit of precaution and preparation, it can turn out to be the best decision for your travel life. Appreciating nature and wildlife with your newborn baby can be magical.
Guides & Checklist for Safe RV Camping with Toddlers
All the problem you will face during the preparation will all be worth at the end. Few things to notice before RV camping with toddlers. You should make camping with toddlers checklist from the below guide section before planning the camping trip.
Pick an “EASY” Campsite for RV Camping
The first time, when you are trying RV camping choose a place near the city. First few trips should be a day long so that you will understand the situation and know what to do or not. You will have a clear idea about food, cloth, and a necessary item.
Then go for a long run, but still choose a place which has a campfire or hanging spot. If you become pro at this, then go for a tough spot.
Camping with toddlers is all about family bonding and creating memories, so no matter which place you choose you will have fun. Just do some research and check the place is safe or not.
RV Camping with Kids: Schedules and Changes
The toddler has their daily routine, keep your RV life as close to their normal life. Their sleeping time and management are important here. If they take a nap in the afternoon then it will be impossible to enjoy the sight-viewing.
If you are camping with a large family with more than one kids, then you should make a better plan with family camping checklist to have it done properly.
There’s so much to see and do, so sometimes cuddling on a towel in the grass or enjoying a swing or hammock is more comforting than different camping bed ideas and it works most of the time. If your kid has any other routine like reading any book or watching any particular cartoon then it will be wise to have them with you in the RV.
Talk about What will be Different While You Sleep
The camping time will be different, whole day driving and at night time sleeping at an unknown place. Change can affect them, so before trip talk about that, tell them it will be different but it’ good.
Book will help while reading their favorite book tell them about the adventure. Positivity always works on a child.
Safety on RV Camping with Baby
First aid kit is must in this camping tour but sometime we just take them without having any idea about the use procedure.
Cleaning Accessories
Learn how to use the kit in the time of need. We have a toddler with us so keep antiseptic and hand cleaner.
Using hand cleaner once an hour is always a good idea even if it appears clean. Toddlers constantly keep their fingers in their mouths, so it’s wise to keep their hands rinsing with clear water or wiping with wet cloths.
Keep Them In Your Watch
Don’t let them wander around, they can pick up and test new, unusual objects which can create dangerous health use.
Check out their small movement, don’t let them go anywhere near to the fireplace if you are having a campfire cooking.
Using Sprays and Repellents in RV Camping
I know mosquitoes and bugs are as annoying as dangerous sometimes and we all need to get rid of the mosquitoes on the camping. But with toddlers, things are different. You need to be a little cautious.
The child needs insect repellent but if they are 6 months old or less, then take the doctor’s advice on this one. Use the spray on insect repellent they are more effective but don’t spray it directly on a child’s face or body.
Spray on your hands and then rub it on their face or body. If you can’t use repellent on them, then dress them accordingly. Cover their whole body, use face mask and socks. Apply lots of sunscreen before going out.
Water Hazards
Water hazards are important here. If you are camping near water resource be extra careful, keep an extra eye on them.
No matter how much you prepare yourself, an accident can happen anytime. Just adapt to the situation and don’t panic.
Feeding a Toddler During Camping
Feeding a toddler at home is tough, feeding them in the campsite is close to impossible. If they are picky eater then it’s not going to be an easy task. If one person is cooking then another person should walk and enjoy the special time with the child.
In the time of cook, you can point out animal or bird footprints. Let them see how many different trees, bushes and leaves they can find.
Keep food items in the container, have an idea what you are going to eat when you are camping. Organizing the camping gear will let you get the item easily when you will need it. So, pack according to those recipes. Choose the food your child like and keep them simple.
It’s best to cook them a short distance away from the campsite, the same rules apply when you are eating them. If you do that then the insects and critters will come for the food, won’t come to the place where you sleep. Other than that, you will enjoy the meal without worrying about spilling a little bit of food or drinks.
Dessert before bedtime seems like a good idea but a sugared-up toddler to bed is not a good idea. And this is a battle you will never win, if you push them then it will ruin their evening and give them bed memory of camping. So eat your sugary snacks a few hours before bedtime.
Checklist for Camping with Toddlers
Check out the checklist for camping with the kids and children. These are filled with primitive camping list to a normal one everyone can have in their planning.
Don’t Forget all the Necessary Toddler Gear
Health/ safety gear is always the first priority but it’s RV camping so the toddler-related gear is also important here, which includes campsite gear, activities, and clothing. There are always few must-have toys for them, carry them with you.
Make a list of equipment you will need for toddler or infant in the campsite so that play with their teddy rather with dirt. If possible bring your kid-sized chairs and table for mealtime.
Toddler clamp-on chair/booster seat is a must item, which will be handy when you need to keep your eye on your child while you are doing other work. Even if we are doing RV camping, still there’s a possibility we have to walk and for that, a child-backpack is necessary this will help us on hikes.
We will be able to carry our little one without getting tired or cranky. Any item which can get their attention should be on your toddler-gear, you don’t know when which will come on handy.
Camping/Hiking with Toddlers Checklist
• Horseback riders have priority over hikers. Step to the downhill side of the trail and talk softly when encountering horseback riders.
• Hikers and horseback riders have priority over mountain bikers. When mountain bikers encounter other users even on wide trails, they should pass at an extremely slow speed.
On very narrow trails they should dismount and get off to the side so hikers or horseback riders can pass without having their trip disrupted.
If you are camping with instant popup tents, then you should pick the lightweight ones.
• Mountain bikes aren’t permitted on most single-track trails and are expressly prohibited
in designated wilderness areas. It’s illegal for horseback riders to break off branches that may be in the path of wilderness trails.
• Horseback riders on overnight trips are prohibited from camping in many areas and are usually required to keep stock animals in specific areas where they can do no damage to the landscape.
Bringing the whole family on a camping trip not only creates memories that will last a lifetime, but also instills important life skills for parents and children alike.