In addition to the personal equipment you take on a camp out, you'll pack along a share of the patrol gear.Taking proper patrol gears is a must if you are looking to stay a bit more time in camping areas with joy, relaxation and safety.
Give it as much thought as you do your own patrol gear items; make sure you have everything your patrol will need to camp and cook, but nothing that will unnecessarily burden you.
Proper Patrol Gear for Camping
While camping you need to take proper gears along with the medicine and foods. Especially, you cannot ignore taking patrol gears for camping. Here are some suggestions and tips for taking the right items below.
- 1Camping Tents
- 2Tent Pegs is Important
- 3Cook Kit for Camping Food
- 4Utensils
- 5Plastic Sheets
- 6First Aid Kit
Taking Proper Camping Tents is Important
When you first begin camping, you’ll probably use tents provided by your troop. Later on, you may want to have a tent of your own. There are four types of tents suitable for Boy Scout camping: Trail Tarp
The simplest of all tents, a trail tarp is a large piece of waterproof nylon or canvas fabric with grommets along the edges for the attachment of cords. It can be pitched in many different ways-as a lean-to, for instance, or a pyramid, or a pup tent.
The advantages of a trail tarp are its light weight and versatility; however, it has no floor, provides no protection against insects, and on a rainy night, you may get a little wet. Tarps are fine for fair weather camping and for use at any time as patrol dining flies. A-frame Tent
Popular for backpacking, this tent is shaped like the letter A, and thus its name. Most Boy Scout tents are variations on A-frame designs that make them roomy and strong. Weighing from 4 to 8 pounds, many are equipped with floors and mosquito netting. But, if you are planning family camping. then the size will increase.
Waterproof rain flies that fit over A-frame and dome tents repel rain and snow, yet allow moisture inside the shelter to escape before it can condense. The best colors are browns, greens, and rusts that blend quietly with the natural hues of campgrounds.
Dome Tent
Dome tents are very stable. Spacious inside, many domes can be pitched without the use of stakes, a significant advantage on the frozen ground. Since they are often larger than A-frame tents, crowns are usually a few pounds heavier.
Wall Tent
For long-term outings such as a week at a council camp, your patrol may use wall tents. Large enough for two Scouts to unroll their sleeping bags on cots, wall tents are constructed of canvas or a polyester-cotton blend. A ridgepole running between two upright poles holds the tent erect.
In hot weather, the sidewalls of many large tents can be rolled up to allow interior ventilation. Also, if you are hiking in a heated desert, it can be beneficial. Wall tents are far too heavy and cumbersome for use on most overnight campouts.
Instant Tents
Many instant pop-up tents can be used for user-friendliness and quick campsite setup ability. These will save your time at the campsite and will allow you ample time to enjoy the comfort as soon as possible.
There are may better value instant tents in the market that are also lightweight. Choosing one can be beneficial.
In hot weather, the sidewalls of many large tents can be rolled up to allow interior ventilation. Wall tents are far too heavy and cumbersome for use on most overnight campouts.
Tent Pegs
In camp, the raw materials for making stakes may not be available, and if a storm is brewing, you won't have time to make stakes. Carry a supply of tent pegs with you. Most outfitting stores stock metal and plastic pegs that are lightweight and almost indestructible.
Stakes may not be effective for anchoring a tent in the winter. If you plan to camp on snow, take along a few snow flukes or dead men. Flukes are lightweight aluminum wedges. Secure a guy line to each one and drive them into the drifts.
Dead men have crossed sticks buried in the snow after guy lines have been attached. Use sticks an inch or two in diameter and about a foot in length.
Cook Kit for Meals at Camping
As you plan the meals for a campout, make a list of the pots and pans you’ll need to prepare the food. Add a pot or two for heating cleanup water, and you’re ready to assemble a patrol cook kit. Usually, it will include a couple of frying pans, a cocoa pot, and two or three cook pots of varying sizes, each with a lid to hold in heat and to keep out insects and dust.
Your troop may have its own Boy Scout cook kits. If not, watch garage sales and second-hand shops for good buys on used aluminum or stainless steel pots and pans. Large tin cans are handy, too, and you can attach wire bails to them for easy handling. Complete the kit with one or two pairs of hot-pot tongs so you can lift pots and pans from the fire without burning your fingers.
Using wood stoves is also a very good idea in this type of camping. Use a portable wood stove with a smaller size to make it easy to carry.
To tote a cook kit, divide the contents among all the patrol members. Save space by stuffing pots full of spare clothing or food packets before you put them into your packs, and carry big pots by slipping them over the ends of sleeping bags attached to frames.
To turn out tasty meals, patrol cooks will need a few utensils. On most campouts, that means a spatula, ladle, stirring spoon, vegetable peeler, and can opener.
Saws and Cutting Knives
A camping lightweight saw can be a great use in cutting woods and items in the camping. You will also need some efficient heavy duty knives. Keep them safe and use these with effects.
Plastic Sheets
A couple of heavy plastic sheets 3 or 4 feet square will give you a clean surface for food preparation and equipment storage. Water Containers
In addition to individual canteens and water bottles, your patrol may want a 242-gallon collapsible water container or a few 1-gallon water bags for use in camp. Cleanup Materials
Easy cleanup depends in part on the right supplies. A couple of plastic scouring pads, a rinse agent, and a little biodegradable soap will take care of most of your needs. Trash Bags
Large plastic trash can liners are handy as bear bags, storage sacks, emergency ponchos, and pack covers, as well as for trash disposal.
Also, to keep the clothes, whether it is the undergarments, hats or camping gadgets, you need proper cover. A plastic sheet can be a great use in these situations.
First Aid Kit is a Must in Campout
Every patrol should have a good first aid kit for proper camping medication. Be sure everyone knows how to use it, who will carry it, and wherein camp it will be stored.
Last Optional Patrol Gear for Camping
Even though you'll want to pare the contents of your pack to an absolute minimum, there are optional items that can make a trip so much more pleasant that they are worth the added weight. Among them are a camera and film, binoculars, nature books, fishing gear, a swimsuit and bath towel, specialized hobby equipment, reflector ovens, and Dutch ovens.
Looking at the bluest sky, I forget all my stresses. Going through the green I try to breathe, more than I do in my reality. So, that’s why I love camping.
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